Ad-Hoc Committee of the Director-General

The Ad-Hoc Committee of the Director-General is intended to give GA delegates a unique and exciting experience. Created by and for delegates who love General Assembly committees, ChoMUN’s Ad-Hoc GA is specifically designed to challenge delegates in the core skills of General Assembly competition. Rather than simply imposing crisis elements, distinctive ChoMUN twists to the style of committee will give delegates the chance to showcase their experience at the last conference of the year. As a flagship committee of ChoMUN XXVIII, the Director-General’s Ad Hoc promises the most innovative GA experience on the collegiate competitive circuit and one that will challenge your preconceptions of Model UN.

The committee topic will remain a secret until shortly before the conference, at which point the background guide will be released and delegates will have the opportunity to engage in committee-specific preparation. When preparing for this committee, the executives encourage delegates to focus on tangible skills, including but not limited to: bloc-building, speeches, mergers, and on-your-feet thinking.

This is an advanced committee. We highly recommend that delegates have experience competing on General Assembly committees on the collegiate circuit before competing on a ChoMUN Ad Hoc.

This is a single-delegate committee. Position papers are not required.

Alex Fan


Alex is a third-year double-majoring in Computer Science and Law, Letters, and Society (Pre-Law). He grew up in Memphis, Tennessee but now splits his time between Shanghai, China, and Tampa Bay, FL. Prior to this year, Alex was a chair for the G77 Committee at ChoMUN 2024 and the I Like You a Latte: Egyptian Revolution 1919 for ChoMUN 2023.

Outside of MUN, Alex enjoys music, skating, climbing, going to the gym, and existing. He is really good at existing. He works for a research lab that studies facial recognition, landmarks, and sentiment analysis using machine learning so he can finally get to the bottom of critical questions such as who asked and if his parents are proud of him. He likes hanging out with his friends outdoors, spikeball, going to the Point, and debating very salient geopolitical issues on which he has a great number of (completely accurate) opinions.

He recently started a Beli and wants to get on the foodie grind so y’all should definitely add him @aafan8 for some great Chicago reccs and some spicy hot food reviews. If you are ever bored, reach out to Alex at if you have any questions, concerns, or existential ponderings.

Timothy Lu


Daniela santillan Enriquez


Dani(ela) is a third year at the College majoring in Religious Studies. Born in Laredo, Texas, and raised in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Dani is all about the border life and complaining about Chicago prices.

Prior to this year, Dani served as an Assistant Chair for ChoMUN XXVI’s Joint Crisis Committee. She also served as a Crisis Director for the CSICOP committee in ChoMUN XXVII, and is actively involved in UChicago’s high school conference: MUNUC. Outside of MUN, Dani is unhealthily involved in house culture and spends most of her time analyzing iconography.

If you’d like to hear which Apocryphal Gospel is the best or have any questions about committee, don’t hesitate to reach her at

Secretariat oversight:

Amman kejela, Director-general