JCC Enemies to Lovers?: The Second Triumvirate, 32 BC

In 44 BC, a conspiracy of 60 Roman senators came together to topple the man at the center of their government. Some, like Marcus Junius Brutus, genuinely hoped to save the Republic. Others had more cynical motivations. Uniting senators across political parties, family feuds, and old factions, they all agree on one thing: Gaius Julius Caesar must die.

Calling themselves liberatores, their bloody coup set off a dramatic backlash that catapulted Marcus Antonius, a long-time ally of Caesar, into power. Marcus thought that Octavian, Caesar’s heir, would be a useful figurehead — but the youth was a political genius and quickly gained his own footing. Continuing in his father’s footsteps, Octavian formed the Second Triumvirate with Mark Antony, consolidating their power in Rome. When the Second Triumvirate fractures under the pressure of personal jealousy, it seems like history is doomed to repeat itself. Octavian starts a propaganda campaign to destroy Mark Antony by exposing his affair with Cleopatra. His motives are uncertain: maybe it was a power play — or maybe it was because Mark Antony was married to his sister.

Committee begins in 32 BC, just after Octavian declares war. He seeks to defeat Egypt, the last great empire to hold out against Rome, and Mark Antony, the last Roman to hold out against Octavian. If he succeeds, Octavian will go on to end the Republic for good and crown himself Augustus, princeps of the Roman Empire. If he fails, he might permanently lose his grip on power, fracturing the largest state the world has ever known.

alex gordon


Alex is a fourth-year student studying Math and Economics. Originally from Glencoe, IL, just a bit north of Chicago, he has been involved in MUN for three years, having previously served as a chair for ChoMUN XXVII and MUNUC 36. Outside of MUN, Alex is a member of the Fed Challenge Team and chess team, although that usually involves getting roasted by 8-year-olds or playing poker. When he does have free time, he enjoys exploring the various neighborhoods of Chicago and playing guitar, though most of his time is spent working on problem sets. 

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Alex at agordon73@uchicago.edu.

eric harwood

Crisis Director

Eric is a third-year in the College studying Economics and Computer Science. Unfortunately, his proud NYC roots have given him an incredibly warped sense of how far away things are (turns out you can’t just walk to Wicker Park!). Before somehow making it back to the sixth floor of the Palmer House, Eric served as CD for How the Sausage Gets Made: Armour and Company Board of Directors, 1906 and AC for One Penguin, One Vote: Dividing Antarctica, 2023 at ChoMUN, as well as EAC for SOCHUM at MUNUC 36.

When recovering from MUN meetings, Eric also serves as treasurer for Firebird Magazine (so his friends don’t have to hear how this time this guy really is the most exciting new artist out), as well as a volunteer guitar instructor for South Side Free Music Program. In his free time, you can catch him bouldering, biking, or going on a run—if he ever figures out how to run over a few miles.

Reach out to Eric at eharwood@uchicago.edu if you have any questions, concerns, or need any music recommendations.

Julian Tucker

coordinating CRISIS DIRECTOR

Julian is a fourth-year (meaning he personally witnessed the assassination of Julius Caesar) at the University of Chicago majoring in History and Political Science.

Being the grizzled ChoMUN veteran that he is, Julian’s past experience includes serving as an AC for the Kingdom of Serbia side of ChoMUN XXV’s JCC, a CD for No Time to Wine: The Sour Grapes of Burgundian Succession at ChoMUN XXVI, and the CD for the Ford side of JCC: Vroom or Doom at ChoMUN XXVII.

Outside of ChoMUN, Julian is the USG for Hybrid committees at the University of Chicago’s premier high school MUN conference- MUNUC- and is currently writing a thesis on the history of election denial! When Julian is not MUN-ing, studying, or sleeping he enjoys listening to the music of Travis Scott, Tame Impala, and The Weeknd (so original!), exploring Chicago’s food scene, and watching his beloved Baltimore Ravens with a fervor and intensity that has been described as ‘frightening.’ 

If you have any questions, need any good restaurant recs, or would like to commiserate/celebrate the Ravens (Steelers fans do NOT hmu), feel free to reach out to him at jltucker@uchicago.edu.

Secretariat oversight:

Daniel Zhang, Under-secretary-general