JCC Vroom or Doom!: Board of Ferrari S.p.A, 1962
On a stormy February night in Modena, Italy, 1898, a man who would eventually come to be known as “il Commendatore” was born. Like many young boys, he was fascinated by speed and danger, except unlike many young boys, he would go on to become the founder of what is one of the greatest racing enterprises in all of motorsports history. By the 1960s, the company had fallen on hard times following a walk-out of many high ranking executives who were fed up with Enzo’s iron-fisted rule. Rather than contemplate the commercial difficulties brewing behind the scenes, one question was on Enzo’s mind: How can he continue his racing empire, and more importantly, how can his cars continue to dominate the racing world? On the other side of the world, Henry Ford the Second was asking himself the opposite question. His company was having trouble appealing to a younger audience who wanted a sexier product than the typical American production car, and he was looking for a way to make the Ford brand commercially successful across the world. What better way to do that than to buy out the Ferrari, a company that makes Red Cars that Go Fast? Beginning with the choice of whether to allow Ford, or any other interested parties, to buy out Ferrari, this committee aims to go beyond racing and beyond the commercial interests of Ferrari. While delegates will be in charge of balancing these two spheres and figuring out how to keep Ferrari cars fast on the track and fast-selling off the track, as members of the Board of Ferrari, they will also be asked to consider the social, political, and economic impact such a publicly influential committee can have. Ranging from questions about inclusivity in racing and employment, labour rights and the rise or decline of manufacturing and its consequences, and of course, international cooperation of all kinds—at the end of the day, it’s lights out, and away we go!
Pascual Goldin
Pascual is a fourth-year from Santiago, Chile, double-majoring in Economics and Philosophy. He has previously been a chair for La Independencia de Chile and the Federal Republic of Central America at past ChoMUN conferences, and an experienced AC for the Peru-Bolivia Confederation. Pascual is also the Member-at-Large of MUNUC, Chicago's high school conference, having previously served as the USG of Hybrid Committees. Besides Model UN, Pascual has contributed to the Business Organization for Latino Development and Promontory Investment Research while working for the College Admissions Office. Otherwise, you have equal odds of finding him in a spreadsheet or a hammock. Pascual is also known to pilot his electric scooter around campus, making him the perfect chair for Scooter-ia Ferrari.
Pascual can be reached at pascual@uchicago.edu about his car's extended warranty, his great-grandma's brownie recipe, or for general questions and concerns.
Aadharsh Pannirselvam
Crisis director
Aadharsh Pannirselvam is a fourth year majoring in Economics with some combination of Data Science from Lexington, Massachusetts. He has been a car nerd for about as long as he can remember, which has slowly expanded into an interest in all things car and car adjacent as he has slowly indoctrinated his friends. Though this is Aadharsh’s first time directly doing MUN, having been ensnared by the unique prospect of this committee, he debated for four years in high school, which is probably somewhat relevant. As for interests that don't usually go vroom, Aadharsh enjoys getting into the nitty gritty details of everything from fountain pens and photography to audio and UX Design. He is hugely excited to be a Crisis Director for the Ford v. Ferrari JCC, and would love to hear any questions or just talk about motorsports at aadharsh@uchicago.edu.
elliot lin
coordinating Crisis director
Elliot is a fourth year studying Economics and Psychology with a minor in English Literature and Creative Writing. They were born in Ottawa, Canada, but grew up in China, and over their last four years in the good ol’ United States, have acquired an increased interest in sports of all forms —beginning with Baseball and now venturing into the wide world of motorsports (Thanks Aadharsh!!). Last year, they were the Crisis Director for “Pitch Please: Major League Baseball, 1994”, which has always been one of their dream committees to run on the circuit, and in past ChoMUNs, they’ve served as a crisis director for “Here Comes the Sun (King): Louis XIV’s Court, 1661”, and as an assistant chair for “I’m Not Into Politics, I’m Into Survival: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governator of California 2003”. In addition, they are one of the co-presidents of Uchicago’s competitive MUN team. Outside of MUN, Elliot’s hobbies include illustration and design, crocheting things they never finish, and playing on the club ice hockey team. In the little spare time they have, you can find them getting up at un-godly hours in the morning to watch Formula 1 (though their favourite drivers have either recently retired, or have been long retired) or MotoGP (because bikes are cooler than cars <3).
If you have any questions or concerns about committee, or would like to share a motorsport opinion and/or have a long winded discussion about why Alain Prost is the superior F1 Driver to a certain Brazilian, thank you very much, you can reach out to Elliot at eclin@uchicago.edu.