The Sassanian Shenanigans: The Reign of Khosrow I, 531 AD
This crisis committee will focus on the reign of Khosrow I, “the Immortal Soul,” and the Sassanian King of Kings. Starting from Khosrow’s rocky ascension to the throne, delegates must juggle the many challenges of administering an empire of late antiquity (6th century A.C.) while trying to consolidate a promising future for the empire or for themselves. Surrounded by enemies, vassals, and allies alike, delegates must handle diplomatic relations with foreign states while also balancing internal power between the old aristocracy, the divided Zoroastrian clergy, and the royal family. In this committee, delegates will be faced with challenging and enthralling topics such as aristocratic power, war and peace, conspiracies at court, imperial administrative reform, and the growing Mazdakite push for wealth redistribution.
Fawwaz Hafizh
Fawwaz is a third-year student from Jakarta, Indonesia, studying Political Science and Economics. He was an Assistant Chair for ChoMUN XXV State of Terror: The Most Serene Republic of Venice, 1508 committee. Fawwaz is also in MUNUC, chairing the CELAC committee a few weeks ago. Outside MUN, he works as an events intern at the Becker Friedman Institute, setting up free taco lunches every Friday. In his free time, Fawwaz enjoys drinking iced chai from one of the coffee shops on campus (notably Harper Cafe) while sitting on the main quad (if weather permits). Otherwise, you’ll see him watching Netflix in the cubicles at the Regenstein library.
If you want to share recommended coffee shops from around the country or fun facts about cats or architecture, feel free to message him at his email:
Kat Mokedi
Experienced Assistant Chair
Julien Perce
Crisis Director
Julien is a second-year from Chicago, IL, who is still unsure about his major. Last year, he was an assistant chair in the backroom at ChoMUN XXVI’s Good Luck, Have Fun video game-style crisis committee; he also currently serves as a Deputy Director of Marketing for MUNUC. Outside of the MUNiverse, he spends many hours walking backwards as he works as a tour guide for UChicago’s office of undergraduate admissions. In his free time, Julien can be found listening to house music whilst raving about how “Chicago invented house music,” sitting on the campus quad, or struggling to maintain a positive KDA in LoL and Valorant.
Julien’s email is a great place to send him questions, concerns, or funny photos of cats.
Secretariat oversight:
jiayi yue, Under-Secretary-General
Crisis Director
Alan is a third-year in the college studying Computer Science and Economics. Hailing from beautiful sunny Southern California, he won’t hesitate to complain about Chicago’s crazy weather or vouch for In-N-Out’s superiority over other fast food chains. While this is his first year serving as a Crisis Director for ChoMUN, he is also involved in the MUN-iverse through serving as USG for MUNUC, the college’s Model UN conference for high school students. In his free time, he enjoys spending time moving heavy things against gravity in the gym and strolling around fields of grass with the occasional few seconds of active movement as a golfer (albeit Chicago weather doesn’t allow him to do so as often as he would like).
Feel free to reach out to Alan with any questions or concerns at